Students make up an integral part of any association. It’s important to attract a young audience to continue the organization’s growth and development. Every year the International Interior Design Association does as campaign designed to attract college students into becoming active student members, which will in turn be future members of the organization. At the beginning of each year, a program is designed to reinforce the organizations involvement with campus programs through a series of print posters, a brochure, as well as an email marketing campaign. Knowing that students are on campus a great deal of time, we wanted to create a series of posters that instructors could hang in the classes for the highest visibility. In the past a poster was created with a tear sheet where the benefits of joining was listed as well as contact information. When it was time to create this campaign, we decided that we needed to have bigger, bolder, and clearer messaging of what we wanted them to do, as well as creating visually something that was aesthetically more appealing to designers.
We created a bold and playful campaign that plays with the IIDA brand that pushes it further for this audience. The flexible brand created allows for pushing the visuals farther, while still staying within the brand system. Icons are used in a more prominent way to reinforce the messaging, as well as playing with the colors so each poster is different but all works together.
Along with this poster series we created a “fortune teller” that designers can make and take, creating an object that they can have on their desk, that also looks interesting while having all the messaging from the poster repurposed into something that belongs to them.
A trifold brochure was also developed so that instructors can give interested students more information with a clear call to action. This program was sent to instructors at universities who received the entire package designed with a matching mailing label to create a memorable experience from the start.